
Physiotherapy with a difference.

What you can expect from an appointment:

Assessment of your current limitations and goals, education regarding your injury, management options and a comprehensive rehab program to get you on the right track to moving better.

We believe that education and active management are key to getting you out of pain and back to your life. We offer 1:1 physiotherapy appointments and group rehab classes.

Emma has a particular interest in managing lower back pain, osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, tendinopathy/bursitis, overtraining injuries and post-operative rehabilitation (including knee and hip replacements, rotator cuff repairs, ACL repairs etc.)

With additional experience working in Women’s Health, Emma is passionate about helping to keep women active through all life’s stages including pregnancy and postpartum.

Not sure if our approach is the right fit for you? Get in touch to discuss your needs.


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